Six ways for you to change the world

If between us we are to change the world for the better, then to start with we need to have curious & transparent conversations. There is no better place for these to take place than on the Reboundog Sofa.
The next Reboundog Sofa Meet-up is Thursday 10th Aug 12noon EST/ 5pm UK
It's the wave of the future of medicine and it's no different for our animals. Learn the most cutting-edge methods utilizing our pet's own energy to heal.
Jody L. Teiche is back by popular demand.
Culture, Purpose, Vision & Values
If we are to change the world between us, then we need to embed our business culture into every decision we make & more.
I'm offering 6 small business owners starting on 21st Aug, the opportunity to participate in a 6 month business acceleration programme, enabling you to build a stronger, fitter & healthier business. At the end of which you will have a Culture led business based on your Purpose, Vision & Values so you can create real social-impact.
STOP PRESS BONUS: For those who pay in full I'm giving one hour of 1-2-1 business coaching FREE per month for the 6 month course = value £250/hr.

Podcast Hosting
Are you using podcasting to increase the strength of your network connections and to achieve your business vision & mission?
Launch Your Podcast & Grow Your Audience in 12 weeks
Have you been thinking of launching your podcast but don't know where to start?
Are you looking to grow your audience and reach a wider pool of ideal clients?
Would you like to plan and launch within 12 weeks?
If you answered YES to these questions, then join Aisha Ejaz MBA, The Business Architect for The Podcast Launch Formula Programme.
STOP PRESS! Participants signing up through my link for the Podcast Launch Formula programme will also get 10 days post podcast launch support completely free! Support alone is worth £1000.
Aisha is also offering five scholarship places on the programme. It’s 50% funded by the participant for down payment of £1000 & 50% funded by Aisha for the £2k annual price. If you want to apply for the scholarship, let me know. You must have a compelling reason to qualify for the scholarship & an application form has to be completed.
Financing NOT Fundraising
We are all too aware that the current animal welfare industry model cannot cope with the demand it has dumped on it. This was well discussed on the Reboundog Sofa on July 13th Collaborations and partnering brands with non-profits to benefit both parties with Mindy Dutka.
Also see Open letter to the animal welfare industry below.
Ciaran Walsh is now applying for funding support to design a new business model & invites your participation in the design.
Open letter to the animal welfare industry
"In 1997 I began the journey each of you are on today, which is to help as many animals in need as possible. Depending on your organization, you may accomplish this task in many different ways, but at the end of the day, each of us has the goal of ending the suffering of as many animals as possible"......
I have published Tom Van Winkle's open letter here on Reboundog News for you to read in full.
Traveling With Your Pet: What to Consider for Overnight Stays
Summertime means vacation time for many people and, more than ever, for pets too. Most people consider pets part of the family and want to include them in the memories made during the trip, whether it's to the beach, mountains, or somewhere in between. Of course, it can be challenging to bring pets on vacation, but with some planning it can be a wonderful retreat for both owner and our furry friends. Thinking of bringing your Newf with you to the hotel? Many lodging facilities boast being "pet friendly." "Just because a hotel indicates that they allow pets, doesn't mean that they will accept all pets," says Kim Salerno, CEO/Founder of TripsWithPets, a company that provides online reservations at pet-friendly accommodations across the United States and Canada. "It's important to do your homework before booking. Reviewing specific hotel pet policies is a must to ensure it can accommodate your pets."
I have published Joanna Dumas' newsletter here on Reboundog News for you to read in full.
The Six ways for you to change the world outlined above give you the opportunities: To be part of open conversations where you are listening to alternative opinions to your own without pre-judgement. To learn how to build a business that creates real social impact. To learn how to host your own podcast so as to lead the conversation. To participate in designing a new business model with it's potential to be an industry disruptor. To build Trust (read Tom's open letter) & collaborate. To consider how your pets really are part of your family when you travel.
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