Which Side of the Mirror are You Looking At?

Which Side of the Mirror are You Looking At?
Photo Credit: Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels

When trying to solve a wicked social problem it is all too easy to fall into the trap of looking into the mirror for a solution & only seeing what is reflected straight back at us, as in everything that has been tried before & more often than not failed.

What if instead we considered looking at the other side of the mirror?

Last week during Reboundog Global Networking West fellow Reboundog member Abdul- Rahman Safian Exec Dir of WACPAW & I where in a 1-2-1 conversation which became a 1-2-1 coaching session. Abdul was discussing how his shoot for the moon dream is to stop the dog meat trade in Ghana. Whilst the common default everyone thinks of is to consider challenging & changing culture through education, we considered the "other side of the mirror" scenario, where WACPAW would develop an alternative income source for those involved in the said trade. This was based on early market research Abdul had received from some traders that if an alternative was available, then they would consider giving up their current income source.

Such alternatives may include agricultural crops which can be done on a micro / individual scale with WACPAW becoming the market broker. This may attract micro-loan funding if the business model was developed correctly. Examples I thought of include, but not limited to, Runa (in it's early days) & Microloan Foundation and requires further research to develop an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Reboundog Member News

I am pleased to announce recent news from not one but two Reboundog Members

Michael Overlie is launching his new course

MIchael Overlie ©

Certified Energetic Relationship Guide


The "Certified Energetic Relationship Guide" is a transformative 6-month certification program designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to guide others in self-care, energy healing, and relationship health. This program integrates Tenchi Healing principles, emotional energetics, meditation practices, and the unique energetics of dogs.

Key Components:

 Emotional Energetics: Learn how emotions carry unique energetic signatures and techniques to feel and heal these emotions.

 Map of Consciousness: Understand David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness and its correlation with emotional and energetic well-being.

 Tenchi Healing: Integrate Tenchi Healing principles into self-care and emotional healing


 Canine Energetics: Discover how the unique energy of dogs can facilitate personal healing and growth.

 Meditation Practices: Develop and integrate various meditation techniques to enhance

emotional and energetic balance.

Program Highlights:

 Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering emotional energetics, energy healing, meditation

practices, and the energetics of dogs.

 Guided Meditations: Regular meditations to connect with and heal emotions, including special meditations involving canine energy.

 Practical Assignments: Hands-on exercises and journaling prompts to deepen understanding

and practice of emotional energetics, self-healing and oneness.

 Live Calls: Interactive sessions with experienced practitioners to enhance learning and provide personalized feedback.

 Final Project: Integrate and demonstrate learning through a personalized project reviewed by

peers and instructors.


Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certification as a Certified Energetic Relationship

Guide, empowering them to support others in their emotional and energetic healing journeys.

Michael Overlie

A Guy and His Dog

Canine-Powered Men's Guide

Dogs and Men, LLC




Parnita Senjit has added to her qualifications

This course is about giving that first line of support and help to someone experiencing poor mental health if professional help isn’t required or before professional help is accessed.

As a Community Co-ordinator leading Wellness and Art and also being a therapy pet team, the certification enhances Parnita's skills and experience.

Let me know in advance* if you also want your Reboundog Member News shared here with on LinkedIn with 1230 subscribers & shared in my Pet Advocacy & Therapy Professionals Network LinkedIn Group with 1940 members. Additionally, it is published Reboundog News to my 250 strong mailing list, with an average open rate of 43%.

Reboundog is proud to support Every Life Matters

From the very beginning Reboundog has been focused on both marginalised dogs & disenfranchised people.

Do you find sometimes that occasionally you meet someone for the first time & instantly resonate with their story? This happened to me recently at a whistle-stop visit, between other pre-scheduled meetings, to Carlisle Ambassadors where I met Nina who was hosting Every Life Matters showcase.

All too often we, disenfranchised people, feel unable to seek help when all feels lost. Last year I heard a story where a GP said that unless a person gives permission for another human to contact mental health support services on their behalf, then there is nothing they can do to initiate support! Well, I guess it's one less person on their practice budget...that is NOT acceptable!!

Every Life Matters ©

Every Life Matters is a suicide prevention and suicide bereavement charity operating across Cumbria. We work to create suicide safer communities through provision of training, campaigning, awareness raising, developing physical and digital resources and starting conversations about suicide across our local communities. We also provide practical and emotional support to individuals, families, organisations and employers bereaved and impacted by suicide.

Every Life Matters are working towards a zero suicide Cumbria, making suicide everyone’s business. We have a vision of a society where suicide is openly and widely discussed, where people feel able to seek help when all feels lost and are suitably supported when they do reach out, a society where everyone understands the role they can play in suicide prevention, and where those bereaved and impacted by suicide receive the support they need, when they need it. We are part of a growing movement aspiring to a zero-suicide society. We believe suicide is preventable.

Holiday News*

All 5 of Reboundog Events & Services are taking a break for the whole of August 2024 & will return refreshed in September.

1 Reboundog Sofa Meet-ups

Reboundog ©

2 Reboundog Global Networking West

Reboundog ©

3 Reboundog Global Networking East

Reboundog ©

4 Reboundog News

Reboundog ©

5 Reboundog Coaching delivered by Spencer B. Hodgetts

Spencer B. Hodgetts © / Tricres ©

That's all folks, until we meet again continue to Rebound with your dog!


PS: Are you seeking to escape the 9 to 5?

Sign up here for next free live event to discover more on Wednesday, July 31 2024, 5:00 PM UK / 12 noon EST (Affiliate disclosure).