What Impact Does Radical Generosity Have On..?

What Impact Does Radical Generosity Have On..?

I was reflecting yesterday as I went food shopping about how the UK's new government's decision to cut the winter fuel allowance for the majority of pensioners will seriously impact on their blunt choice between buying food & heating their home. For some it WILL become a choice between starve or freeze to death!

Which made me think back to Madelaine Hardy from Giving Tuesday's Radical Generosity Conversation on The Reboundog Sofa back in February


The topic had arisen earlier this month when I was choosing slides for my presentation on

Reboundog Sofa Meet-up Spencer's Birthday Party Giant Give Away

to demonstrate the diverse range of curious & transparent conversations we have monthly.

Whilst Reboundog is not in the position to give radically generous financial gifts to any individual /any organisation, I chose to

in a radical act of generosity give away on the day $16.5k value (free/discounted) of professional business culture coaching!


One of the prize winners humorously asked me when requesting an email address to which to send their exciting news to

"Is it a pile of cash Spencer"😂

Personally I think it depends on how the cash is used. Is it the old model of benevolence or an innovative model of mutuality, solidarity, and reciprocity?

Business culture coaching supports the latter model not only helping businesses to grow financially, but also to grow with an amazing culture at their core. Together this will enable them to be more resilient to weather the storms of business life & be able to create their own acts of radical generosity.

I'll follow this with a further $60k value of professional business culture coaching in the next year. To be shared between the first 100 people to join Reboundog between 12th Sept & 12th Dec 2024. See below*


PayPal Link in button above

PayPal Link in button above



Available ONLY to the first 100 people to join Reboundog between 12th Sept & 12th Dec '24.


Giving Tuesday 03 December 2024

Reboundog has just received this FANTASTIC news.....

Thanks for signing up to become an official Giving Tuesday partner! You’ve now been added to our mailing list and we’ll add you to our website shortly.

As an organization, Giving Tuesday promotes the concept of "generosity not as a benevolence that the haves show to the have-nots, but rather an expression of mutuality, solidarity, and reciprocity."


More Hot News.........New Dates For Your Diary!

After a summer break we're back live on the 26th / 29th & looking forward to helping you create new networking collaborations that will change the world!

Reboundog Global Networking West

Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM UK / 1:00 PM - 2;00 PM Eastern



Reboundog Global Networking East

Sun, Sep 29, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM UK / 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM ACST



Reboundog is proud to support Every Life Matters

Every Life Matters

From the very beginning Reboundog has been focused on both marginalised dogs & disenfranchised people.
