The Common Problem is Size

The Common Problem is Size

In the 3 years of running Reboundog I’ve always focused on how I can support you as a micro/small pet business owner or non-profit animal welfare organisation founder to cause disruptive change, so that together we create a society in which disenfranchised people & dogs can belong. This support is currently based on 1) Membership access to a global network of pet advocates who have built trusted relationships & collaborations 2) Conversations & networking at our monthly Reboundog Sofa Meet-ups with industry leaders & experts, without all the usual egos & status.

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Whilst observing the conversations in both of the above, the common problem is not only threefold, but one in which all three parts appear to be feeding off each other like a symbiotic orgy. Whether that is Competitive Resource Partitioning or Mutualistic Symbiosis is open for discussion.

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The single common issue for you struggling to solve this as a micro/small pet business owner or non-profit animal welfare organisation founder is that of SIZE

Size of the wicked – societal - problem we’re all trying to solve

Size of the system – the huge established animal welfare organisations

Size of the industry – the huge companies who financially control the pet food & veterinary sectors.

Some days it seems as if you’re defeated before you even start the day.

Realistically you are never going to compete against the status quo, to try to do so would be a pointless exercise where vanity would prevail over sanity.

Thus, with the odds apparently stacked against you then how can you successfully build, grow & develop innovative services and products so that you do become a leading industry disruptor?

The missing link between all three parts of the problem is Culture

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It is also what a lot of highly successful larger companies have embedded throughout their business. So that their Purpose Vision & Values show up internally & externally in their People, Revenue & Strategy, not just on a coffee mug.

But hang on you say we don’t have the fancy budgets & resources of companies who have great business culture like Apple to be able to afford coaching consultants on several thousand dollars a day.

Which brings me to my latest support offering for you within Reboundog.

Access to the Tricres CRESCO toolkit of coaching & resources that builds Culture as a Foundation for Growth©. Based on the same business culture coaching provided to companies with revenues over $500k & more than 10 staff, but scaled down to make it relevant to your size & budget.

So that Reboundog enables many micro/small pet business owners & non-profit animal welfare organisation founders to not only change the world individually, but together we can do it at scale.

Introducing CRESCO

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I'm offering 6*-10 owners/founders, starting in July, the opportunity to be coached by me in a group through The Tricres CRESCO programme for half a day per month for 6 months.

C for Culture & mindset

R for Roles, responsibilities & accountabilities

E for Economic engine

S for Strategy

C for Clear leadership & communication

O for Opportunities for growth

This gives you the time between sessions to take action & implement your learning.

For the last 48 hours I offered the first 6* business owners / organisation founders who purchased all 6-monthly sessions in one bundle a substantial saving compared to pay monthly. Offer ended 09:00 UK Mon 26 June. ....

NB: I'm now extending the deadline for a short time only - just for you as a valued subscriber to Reboundog News - to 09:00 UK Fri 30 June! Plus, those who are not yet members can benefit from extra Bonuses of FREE Reboundog membership for the 6 months!

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Please register your interest by answering a few questions here:

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