Imagine a World without Animal Rescue Shelters
Over 50 years ago John Lennon wrote the immortal lyrics
'Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today'.
With it's wonderful chorus:
'You may say
Canine Longevity
Why Big Dogs Don't Live As Long As Small Dogs
What Business Are You Really In? AKA Who's Doreen?
Nearly 20 years ago, well actually back in 2008, Gil Friend in World Changing : A user's guide for the 21st century, p400, referred to Theodore Levitt's classic 1975 HBR (Harvard Business Review) article "Marketing Myopia" in which he skewered industries that lost market share
Heart Disease & Valentine's Day
2023 Year in Review at That Newfoundland Place
Overcome the Stress of Christmas with Support from Reboundog members
Whether or not you celebrate Christmas this is an enhanced stressful time of the year, both financially & emotionally. A time when there is far too much, often unspoken, peer pressure to conform to a Disneyesque 'magical' Xmas. I've been broke both financially (see below) &