Reboundog is 3 years old!

Well, I could do the obvious & tell you all about our achievements since starting at zero with a dream 3 years ago in early May 2020.
Instead, I'm preferring to share with you who we are & where we’re going.
How our mission has been our constant through-line since Day 1.
The wording changes slightly as we grow. Originally it was ‘Challenging Society's Attitude to Undesirable Dogs & Disadvantaged People Enabling Them to Have a Right to Belong in Society’.
Illustrating THE problem that we’re disrupting.
Historically the problem of a broken system &/or a broken society have been treated as separate problems. Both of which have been attempted to be resolved by broken thinking. We don’t have 3 problems we have one huge societal, aka ‘wicked’, problem that requires a collaborative network approach. One that cannot be resolved in one hit with the one solution fits all approach.
For the last 200 years the problem has been attempted to have been solved by the non-profit charity model.
We now have the opportunity in the 21st century for innovators & disruptors to create new thinking from an entrepreneurial mindset.
Are you an innovator, a disruptor &/or a social-impactor?
Are you seeking opportunities to network & collaborate with others who genuinely reciprocate?
If so, you may wish to consider your responses to my following questions.
Reboundog Values: Connect Curious Transparent
Does your working group, those who contribute their knowledge & time to direct your strategy, understand your Values?
Can they describe them to a stranger?
Have you achieved traction to show evidence of movement towards your mission?
Is this your foundation upon which you can now grow?
If so, can your roots evolve as necessary to adapt to changing conditions?
Do the solutions you’re proposing enable networking collaborations for you to disrupt the problem?
Are your solutions mutually symbiotic to each other within an ecosystem?
Can you demonstrate the strength in your collaborations?
What is the response when you ask?
Are you aiming for the moon in your OKRs (Organisational Key Results)?
Are they stretching you & your business, else you will not grow?
Are you reviewing progress every 2 weeks?
What will you have achieved in 5 years' time?
What innovation, disruption & social impact?
Will it be in line with your purpose, your values, your mission?
Will it be greater than your original dream?
Join us today & together you can....
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