It’s My Birthday & You’re Invited to the Reboundog Party!!
To celebrate I’m giving away over $75,000 worth of prizes...... no, it doesn’t match my age yet.
Save the date & time in your diary 12th September at 6pm UK / 1pm Eastern
Of the world’s most interconnected network from newbies & start-ups
Which Side of the Mirror are You Looking At?
When trying to solve a wicked social problem it is all too easy to fall into the trap of looking into the mirror for a solution & only seeing what is reflected straight back at us, as in everything that has been tried before & more often than not failed.
Business Resilience for Social Impact
How do you describe what you do to others?
Four of my favourite words, from analysis of this newsletter's titles over the last year.
How are You Demonstrating Resilience & Resourcefulness? (
Creating Resilience in Social Impact Ecosystems without Treehugging & Yogababble. (
Global Networking with
How are You Demonstrating Resilience & Resourcefulness?
These two words are so relevant to the work of anyone involved in social change.
ecology; the ability of an ecosystem to return to its original state after being disturbed
[1620–30; ‹ L resili(ēns), prp. of resilīre to spring back, rebound ( see resilient) + -ence]
The word resilience derives
TRUST -Meaningful or meaningless?
A shorter than usual newsletter - my brain is slightly addled recently. So briefly I would like you to consider a key component to developing change.....Trust.
Do you have it embedded in your organisational & business relationships?
Can you demonstrate it in everything you do?
In Reboundog it is