How to reduce the huge personal emotional burnout so prevalent in....

Whilst there is valiant work being done to resolve the huge societal problems
- of people who live on the outskirts of society. Those of us who through no fault of our own; varying from broken homes, alcoholism, abuse, autism & the list goes on, have a disconnect from what is considered normal.
- of animals trapped in the scenario of a 200 year old rescue system. A system in which it is all too easy for a pet to be dumped, abandoned & discarded and someone with a kind heart may rescue.
- of wasted resources aka finance. That is generally being poured on "solutions" that aren't resolving these wicked problems. Are questions being asked about what has previously failed & more importantly why?
What is becoming obvious; is to view each of these, not as isolated issues, but as part of a whole. An ecosystem of problems where each has a symbiotic relationship to the other two and potentially a synergistic outcome.
The missing factor in all three is CULTURE which can be seen
- within organisations seeking to address disconnected communities. Where generally a "solution" is designed external to & without direct involvement of the actual people it is trying to help.
- within the landscape of the animal rescue system which operates in a multitude of silos. Where each silo has it's own methodology resulting in a lack of consistent data upon which to establish a coherent strategy.
- within wasted resources, whether that's philanthropy, charity or business trying to do social good. Where the finance is trying to address a problem in isolation using outdated & ineffective business models for delivery.
Internal Culture is often not considered important, relevant &/or necessary to operations. But stop to consider that if you don't have culture then you don't have community, then you don't have a sense of belonging. Ask yourself; How much more resilient do you feel when you have a sense of belonging? This applies internally to your staff & externally to your customers. Do you want to work for a company or organisation where you don't feel you belong? Do you want a company or organisation where your employees do not feel valued? Do you want customers, whether paying or receiving funds to feel they don't belong?
Is your culture in alignment with everything you do whether you're a non-profit or a for-profit. I was recently in a workshop with philanthropically funded networks where this subject was raised as a concern as in not establishing culture at the outset.
How then do you consider establishing culture?
Take a look at the model below and think about what you already have in place and what’s actually being used every day.
Do you have Purpose, Vision & Values embedded? Can every employee,your team, your supply chain & your customers understand them? If someone new walked into your office would you & every employee be able to explain them & are they demonstrable?...not just written on every mouse mat & mug!
When you have culture embedded in your business, your organisation, your network then you can reduce the huge personal emotional burnout that is all too prevalent when trying to solve the wicked problems of disconnected communities, broken rescue systems & wasted resources.
If you don't have these in place & would like some help in doing so then...
I'm 90+% through my training with Tricres, with an offer from a 4x award winning business to be my case study for accreditation.
I'm now taking coaching enquiries from micro businesses, start-ups, social entrepreneurs, networks & organisations in the pet industry who are serious about establishing culture to grow their social impact in 2023.
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