A Bundle of Masterminds 5 Day Offer

A week ago in my LinkedIn Newsletter I wrote
"How to reduce the huge personal emotional burnout so prevalent in...."
your work to resolve the huge societal problems that you so passionately desire to solve.
I stated that the missing factor in all three examples is CULTURE...your business culture as the key to transformation of both you & your business.
To help you address that I have since published my forthcoming series of 3 summer masterminds.
Your opportunity to learn from my in depth knowledge on:
Grow Your Business Network Like Your Favourite Garden Rose 14 June
Connect With Purpose to Be of Service 28th June
Embed Purpose Vision & Values into your Business Culture. 12 July
Now I have bundled ALL 3 masterminds into 1 package & for the next 5 days I am giving you the the opportunity to save up to 50% PLUS I've added amazing bonuses into each mastermind offer.

Please see pdf here which has purchase links in both the mastermind titles & the pics.
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